I'm less than a week into the 21 days of prayer and fasting with church (something I do every year) and I find it SO FUNNY...like I literally Laugh Out Loud... how people get SO FREAKED OUT about fasting. And if you're one of those that read that first line and felt yourself holding your breath ... VIEW POST
Fall in Love with “Giving Up”

knowledge is power
I believe that knowledge is power so when I saw a friend's post on social media asking for book rec's (because she'd set a New Year's resolution to read more...BUT... admittedly hadn't quite followed through) I decided to respond. And if you've found yourself in the same setting (or ... VIEW POST

It's Valentine's Day and I'm single...("mostly" by choice) but that doesn't mean it's exactly where I "thought" I would be The funniest part for me is how people react to that... Usually when they find out I'm still single their next question (either out loud or in their head) is WHY? I ... VIEW POST
The universal law even God obeys
I’m going to let you in on a little secret that you may not know…There is a universal law God created that everyone including HIM has to obey. Here it is…you have to GIVE before you GET. I’m not talking about the things you should be graciously giving in the process of helping others (although ... VIEW POST

I've got (at least) one thing in common with all of you... I "don't have time" If you saw my schedule for the day or the week I think your head might spin. But you probably feel like it already is, just looking over yours... So before you begin this Monday take a long deep breathe. (and for ... VIEW POST