This NEW YEAR doesn’t need a NEW YOU…
Anyone that knows me personally knows that I am an overachiever so I have a long history of setting goals.
Back in high school I set my first lofty goal…skip my senior year of high school and go straight to attending the University of Florida. (my high school boyfriend had already graduated and most my friends were older too, so I just didn’t see the need to stick around) AND SO I SET MY GOAL AND DID IT!
In college all I knew was that I wanted the prestige of a business degree and I wanted to have a job that offered the possibility of making a lot of money….I ACCOMPLISHED THOSE TOO!
I had to really look fear in the eyes with my next big goal of changing careers and following my passion for practicing yoga…
because this was the FIRST time I was thinking about what I REALLY wanted to do and taking ownership of my dream versus listening to what others thought I should do.
Then two years later came my next faith stretching goal…I set my sights and goals on opening a second studio.
If I were to be honest I think that was the first step to unknowingly fall out of love with goals.
Not because I didn’t do it, but because of a fear of failure (and previously unblemished track record)
I sacrificed everything to achieve it…and I did!
But it also caused me to make some poor business decisions and left me feeling stressed out, unbalanced, and not fulfilled.
This is when I knew I needed a different approach. This is when I decided there HAD to be a better way.
This is when I started to change the game on goal-achieving!
I believe what it says in Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision the people perish” which is why I also believe that God has given us all a “dream”- A picture of what is possible and a brief glimpse of what a life we would love to live looks like.
So how do we get from where we are to where we could and should be??
Now you might be asking yourself, if we really need goals, then why don’t more people set them
…and why did I (for a brief period) fall so out of love with them?
There are 3 reasons why people don’t set goals:
1. You don’t think they will produce the desired outcome that you want.
Maybe you have set them before and failed or worse off, like me, you set them, achieved them, and felt unfulfilled. This certainly doesn’t produce a lot of faith in the goal setting process.
2. You’re not sure what goals to set because you’re not quite sure how to get where you are to where you want to go.
Trust me I get this one too! And God certainly hasn’t downloaded me with a fail proof set of plans to follow either. But I do think it starts with understanding the unique way in which we have been shaped and there are certainly a set of 10 simple questions we can ask ourselves to discover the next right step we are meant to take.
3. You are SO exhausted from surviving your current life, you can’t possibly think of mustering up enough energy to start something new.
And if THIS is your answer, then let me assure you THERE IS A BETTER WAY because I do not believe the hype of hustle (as you can read in another post)!
Once you understand your purpose and back it with desire then God will reveal the next right step and establish every subsequent step after along the way. You’ll find clarity in who you are and who you are meant to become and find clarity in turning the invisible dream into a reality. Your purpose will become your filter and give you a feeling of freedom from that sense of overwhelm.
Of course (disclaimer) there are some known growing pains that come with any change … BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t approach goals and life with a greater sense of ease…and you will discover your greatest gifts along the way!
Here’s the bottom line…You don’t need a new you this new year, but you may need a new direction and strategy to get to where you want.
Start by asking yourself these questions:
What am I meant to do?
Who do I choose to be?
How do I want to feel?
I know setting goals takes courage, but I also know you are stronger, braver, and smarter than you may even know you already are.
Don’t let the unknown of EVERYTHING… keep you from doing ANYTHING!
And if you’re unsure your next move and want to learn the 10 simple questions to help you develop a solid clear plan then check out the PUT YOUR DREAM TO THE TEST course by CLICKING HERE.
These ten questions (which turn into answers) were developed by my mentor John Maxwell and shared with me as part of his coaching and speaking team
…and what I can tell you is they’ve not only made the difference for those that I’ve shared it with, BUT they have done absolutely the same thing for me!
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